Janmabhoomi Group of Newspapers is published by "Saurashtra Trust" and are the products of State Peoples’ movement, part of the freedom struggle.
"Kutchmitra" started as a community paper from Mumbai in 1947 later became a weekly newspaper "Kutchmitra". "Kutchmitra" Daily was published from Mumbai since August 1950. In 1952 shifted to Bhuj. Today it is the major newspaper of Kutch having readership all over the world. It is fondly known more as a "Mitra" rather than a "Patra"
Get the official Android version of KutchMitra Gujarati Newspaper right on your Android .The ePaper downloads the entire print edition of the newspaper for offline reading. You can use your finger - tips to "pinch and zoom" the text in articles if you would like to enlarge, or reduce the font size. You can read the edition in portrait or landscape mode.
For more details, please read http://www.kutchmitradaily.com/About.aspx
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“Kutchmitra”开始于1947年作为一个社会从孟买纸张后来成了一周报“Kutchmitra”的。 1950年8月以来,从孟买“Kutchmitra”每日发表。在1952年转移到普杰。今天,它是卡奇读者遍布世界各地的主要报纸。它亲切地称为“米特拉”,而不是一个“帕特雷”
官方Android版本KutchMitra古吉拉特语报纸的权利在你的Android电子报下载整个离线阅读报纸的印刷版。你可以用你的手指 - 提示,以“捏和缩放”文本文章,如果您想扩大或缩小字体大小。你可以阅读的版本,在纵向或横向模式。
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